Friday, July 25, 2008

The Age Old War...

Last night, the Glugster's dogs arrived to spend the weekend with us.




Greebo and Taxi have never in their lives seen a dog... ever... and I had no idea how they would react!

It went relatively well... I s’pose…

The dogs sniffed around a little before shooting up the staircase and barking their heads off at the closed security gate- behind which the cats were safely ensconced and cowering watching from under the bed in our bedroom.

It didn't take my furry masters long to emerge once they realised the dogs were not coming further than the staircase- but Greebo remained either under our bed or under the duvet with Damien in his bedroom for the rest of the night.

Taxi spent the night on our bed as usual, but keeping a close eye on the bedroom door. Every now and then he's head for the door and as he got into the passage he'd get all fuzzy and arched and come back into the room.

Poor Yodi and Phoebe spent the night outside the security gate trying to guard us from the black fuzzy threats that had invaded their other home- and the dogs are used to snuggling with their people so this was real torture for them!

Luckily for all involved its short term…


Alex the Blogging Kat said...

I haz some doogies who livez round me. One iz a berry nice doggie and we playz together. Another iz a berry nassy doggie and I runz when I seez him. And one is a silly doggie and i teazez her. OK?

AngelConradie said...

alex the blogging kat: we arrre not surrre about this yet...