Friday, December 30, 2011

Its Been Just 10 Days...#SAGApupVolt

... and Volt is responding beautifully to "come" and "sit"!
And the girls- Thelma and Louise- are relaxing more and more. They have actually allowed the pup into their igloo kennel once or twice without growling at him!

The cats are making their own peace with the situation, ignoring him or putting him in his place as necessary. He hasn't had any scratches yet but he has been hissed at lots and he is careful of the cats.

Don't forget to check out the Twitter hash-tag #SAGApupVolt to see regular updates on my puppy raising adventure!

click on the puppy to make a donation to SAGA

Don't forget to check out the Twitter hash-tag #SAGApupVolt to see regular updates on my puppy raising adventure!