Friday, March 19, 2010

Yet More Kitten Photos...

I have discovered the cure for anxiety, depression, bad moods and PMS... watching kittens play!
The babies have settled in beautifully! They are even playing a little with the big boys!

Tonight as I write this I have Taxi in his usual spot at the foot of the bed, and Turk curled up next to me. Diva is sharing a blanket with Greebo downstairs and Magic is on the ottoman next to them.

Diva found a little sunshine...
snuggling with the big boys...
taking over the couch...

It also looks as though my sweet little Turk may be developing a red point colouring, including the blue eyes! Of course, I think he's exquisite... but if he does develop the colouring he's going to be a show stopper!