Taxi and Magic playing
I think Taxi just loves having a new playmate- and little Magic just loves being able to approach them.
Greebo still runs away when Magic tries to approach him, although he's a lot more relaxed.
Taxi will play, and when he thinks she's getting out of hand he swats her. She flattens her ears and sits and glares at him- but she doesn't run or make a sound!
Its so great how a little one will bring out the kitten again in an older cat. So glad Taxi is playing with little Magic. You're not going to have much left of your curtains though especially when Magic starts climbing them!
<3 your cats. I have one of my own and love her to bits, despite her Attitude with a capital A. My husband spoils her to BITS and I'm jealous!
A little firecracker like Magic can enliven even the most couchly of cats. Taxi is a grand playmate for Magic to have.
momcat: oh she'll learn not to climb them, my furbabies are well "trained".
acidicice: lol... they do know they're worshipped!
everycat: he is indeed!
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